
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Essay

What Dr. Schneider is doing by putting crowns on teeth that could be treated with two surface amalgams is unethical. It is obvious that she is doing this to increase revenues during a downturn in her financial condition related to her divorce. Two surface amalgams have a long history for use for fillings for decayed areas of teeth and for general repairs of chipped or cracked teeth. Although its use is declining in the U. S. it remains the first choice for posterior direct restorations. (1) Other bonding techniques are now being employed by dentists in lieu of two surface amalgams that are gaining in popularity for esthetic reasons and because they use no toxic metals such as mercury. To crown a tooth requires a dentist to grind away all of the enamel of the tooth so a crown can be put on the remaining dentine layer of the tooth. This procedure is six to seven times more expensive than two surface amalgams or other bonding techniques to repair teeth. A general rule in dentistry is that you preserve as much enamel on a tooth as possible. So Dr. Schneider is not only performing a procedure that is unnecessary and expensive but is detrimental to the patient because a tooth’s enamel is being destroyed needlessly. Sharon should discuss this with Dr. Schneider and tell her that this improper, unethical and not in the best interests of the patient. If Dr. Schneider persists in this unethical practice then Sharon should threaten to resign and report Dr. Schneider to the American Dental Association and appropriate state licensing agents. (1) http://www. bethesda. med. navy. mil/careers/postgraduate_dental_school/comprehensive_dentistry/Pearls/Pearlsc6. htm

Basic hygiene practices for food preparation and cooking Essay

Every day people get ill from the food they eat. Micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses and moulds found in food can cause food poisoning, leading to a whole host of unpleasant symptoms, such as stomach pains, diarrhoea and vomiting. Food poisoning can sometimes lead to gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and bowel), or more serious health problems such as blood poisoning (septicaemia) and kidney failure. Anyone can get food poisoning but some people, including babies, children and older people, are more likely to have serious symptoms. This is why this is vital as in the Seaview nursing home the residents are frail older people and several also are in poor general health. They are many basic hygiene practices for food preparation and cooking. This includes: Surfaces Equipment Sell by dates Food Cooking storing Surfaces Food poisoning affects thousands of people every year and many of these cases go unreported. The exact numbers of cases of food related illness that occur each year are unknown. This is because many people do not seek the help of their doctor when their doctor when they develop symptoms. Food poisoning can be extremely dangerously especially for the very young, older service users and those who are ill or infirm. It is therefore important that care workers actions do not increase this problem. To prevent contamination of food it is necessary to follow recognised hygiene procedures to make sure that risks are kept to a minimum. Cleaning and disinfection chemicals are available to maintain the correct standards of cleanliness. Usually these chemicals are added to water to make a cleaning solution. Some come ready to use in spray or aerosol bottles for convenience. Substances used for cleaning food preparation areas fall into three categories: Detergents – are chemicals that will dissolve grease and assist the removal of food debris and dirt. Detergents do not kill bacteria. Disinfectants – are chemicals designed to destroy bacteria and reduce them to a safe level. However disinfectants are not effective at removing grease and dirt’s. Disinfectants have a very strong smell and have the potential to taints foods and if in contact with surfaces that food is prepared on extra care should be taken in rinsing with hot (above 82C) water. Sanitizers– are a combination of both detergents and disinfectants and are designed to kill bacteria and remove dirt and grease at the same time. image00.pngimage00.png Disinfection can also be carried effectively using heat i.e. using hot water (above 82C). Chemicals can be used in addition to this process however are less effective where hot water is not available or a preliminary clean had not been carried out. The combination of the above chemicals and very hot water provide an effective way of keeping surfaces clean. Any work surfaces that is used for food preparation must be strong, durable, easily cleaned, resistance to stain or to absorbing liquids and not easily damaged. In professional food areas stainless steel tables are used for food preparation activities. They are usually on wheels which have brakes so that they can be moved easily which allows for ease of cleaning. It is vital that work surfaces are kept clean and bacteria free. The clean as you go method should be used. This means that all equipment and surfaces should be cleaned as soon as they have been used. This describes cleaning that is carried out as soon as the mess is created, the aim of this is to prevent cross contamination and to keep work areas clean and tidy. Examples of this might be Washing and sanitising of a chopping board straight after use and Cleaning up a floor spillage immediately after it has happened. Any spills should also be mopped up immediately they occur. Work surfaces should be left clean and clear when work has finished. The 5 stages of cleaning work are: Remove food particles and spillages using a suitable damp cloth Use a hot water and detergent solution to remove any grease and debris Rinse thoroughly with very hot water (82C) Use a suitable disinfectant to reduce bacteria to a safe level Final rinse with hot water and dry using paper towels (or allow to air dry) Equipment Only clean equipment if you have been trained to do so. This is especially important where the equipment has sharp cutting surfaces and or moving parts that are run by electricity. Care should be also taken with equipment that is hot or generates a lot of heat, for example cookers and deep fat fryers When training has been done some basic steps should be followed when cleaning equipment. The basic steps are: Disconnect the equipment from the power source Take extra care when removing any blades Remove all waste food Thoroughly wash and sanitize all parts Reassemble the equipment taking care to fit all components correctly in case they fly off during use Sanitize again those parts that will come into contact with food Ensure that all safety guards are refitted correctly. All other small items of equipment like pots, pans, cutlery, plates and glassware can be cleaned in the usual way. This may either be in a dishwasher or by hand using detergent and hot water. Sell by dates Perishable is foods that are likely to go off quickly. They normally have a sell by and use by date on them. Selling food after its sell by date is an offence. The food can be used up to and including the use by date. For an example a carton of milk may have a sell by date till the 14th march and the use by date may be the 16th march. The milk can be used on the 16th and before but not after. Most other foods have a best before day; this indicates the month up to which it will be in its best condition for eating. Some foods don’t have to require a date for example fresh fruits & vegetable’s and meat from the butcher. Food It is vital that certain precautions are taken when providing food for service users. Washing of the hands is vital so hands must be washed: Before entering a food area After using the lavatory Between handling different types of food such as raw meat an cooked Before and after touching foods After coughing into the hands or using a handkerchief After touching face and hair After carrying out cleaning or handling rubbish It is essential that this is done because many bacteria live on the surface of the skin. Many of these are harmless however some can cause illness. Bacteria can be acquired from other sources and can contaminate food. Handling raw mean and poultry and then handling cooked meat is very dangerous unless hands are thoroughly washed in between. Touching the nose or coughing and sneezing over food or preparation areas should be avoided. This is because personal cleanliness is essential or bacteria will be transferred to the food. Also avoid touching the food with hands and glove wearing or using of the tong when possible is a good thing to do. This is because the less hands are in direct contact with food, the less chance there is of contamination. Touching dishes or cutlery that is to come into contact with food should also be avoided. This is because this cuts down the transfer of bacteria. Keeping the hair covered with either a hat or net and not combing hair in the food area should also be done as hair and scalp can carry bacteria that can fall into the food. Also keeping cuts and grazes covered with brightly coloured dressing as wounds are infected with bacteria and if the dressing comes off it can be easily found. Not smoking in the food areas is vital as it is against the law and can contaminate food. Also when ill food handling should not be done. This is vital because a person who is ill can infect food. Another thing that should be done is wearing clean protective clothing as there are fewer bacteria on clean clothes. Cooking Heat kills bacteria and this is why food must be cooked thoroughly. Cooking food at temperatures over 70Â °C will kill off any bacteria. If food isn’t cooked at a high enough temperature, bacteria can still survive. Take special care that you cook meat all the way through. Unless you’re cooking steak or lamb and beef joints rare, it shouldn’t be pink in the middle. Use a clean skewer to pierce the meat. If it’s cooked properly, the juices will run clear. If you’re cooking meat so it’s rare, make sure that it’s properly sealed (browned) on the outside. Large pieces of meat take longer to heat up to the centre. The need for sufficiently high temperatures reaching the centre is very important. Always re-heat pre-cooked food thoroughly and only do so once. When cooking food in the microwave, stir it well from time to time to ensure that it’s evenly cooked all the way through. It is bad practice to mix previously cooked food with newly cooked food. Topping up soup lowers the temperature and increases the risk of bacteria growing. It is much safer to make up food in smaller quantises as and when it is needed. Eggs can carry salmonella, so to safeguard service users, eggs should be cooked for around seven minutes at 70ËšC. High risks foods such as eggs and chicken that are eaten immediately after cooking are safe providing the temperature is high enough. If there is going to be a gap in time between the foods being cooked and being eaten, it must be kept hot. Equipment should be used to hold the food at a temperature of 63ËšC or above. This is could be a heated tray, trolley or service counter. When using this type of equipment; heat the equipment to at least 63ËšC before loading the food, ensure the food is already fully cooked and at a minimum temperature of 63ËšC and never use the equipment to heat up cold or partially heated food. Reheating food can increase the risk of food poisoning. Some food handlers often make the mistake of thinking that because food has already been cooked it is free of bacteria. They believe that is only needs warming up. If it happens, bacteria had ideal conditions for growth for example food, warmth and liquid. Guidelines for food that needs reheating is as follows: Don’t get the food out of the refrigerator too soon and leave it lying it around Handle as little as possible and keep it covered Divide larger items into smaller portions where possible Heat the food to at least 70ËšC as its core Serve quickly following reheating Never reheat cooked food more than once If reheating ready-made meals from a shop, follow the manufactures instructions in addition to the above advice. Storing If you don’t follow the storage guidelines that come with your food, you could be letting yourself in for real problems. Storing food in the wrong place or at the wrong temperature can lead to the growth of bacteria. This means that even one piece of food left out for a couple of hours can contain millions of bacteria as bacteria flourish at body temperature which is 37ËšC. The reason foods are stored in a refrigerator is because bacteria and viruses can’t multiply below 6ËšC. The correct temperature for a refrigerator is between zero and 5ËšC. Chilled foods should be put away quickly but don’t overcrowd the refrigerator as it raises the temperature. With cooked food, let steam evaporate first before covering and placing in the refrigerator. Always keep the refrigerator clean by washing the inside surfaces with warm soapy water. Never thaw then refreeze food. To slowly defrost, take the dish out of the freezer and leave it in the refrigerator overnight rather than on the counter top. Place meats on a plate on the bottom shelf. When defrosting with the microwave, cook the dish immediately. Never freeze food that has gone beyond its use by date and remove old food regularly. Keeping the refrigerator at the right temperature helps prevent bacteria from multiplying. The correct temperature for a refrigerator is below 5ËšC and a freezer and should kept at minus 18ËšC. Check both the refrigerator and freezer regularly with a reliable thermometer. To maintain a constant temperature, keep the door shut whenever possible. When storing food in a fridge: Don’t allow the juice from the raw meat, fish and poultry to spill or drip onto any other foods. Put fruit and vegetable’s items into the salad drawer Keep milk and fruit juices on the bottom rack in the door Place dairy products , dressings, spreads, sauces, cream and convince foods on the centre and top shelves Store raw meat, fish and poultry on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. this prevents cross contamination as the blood as the other liquids from the meat and fish cannot drip down onto other foods Cooked foods should be kept on the top shelves of the refrigerator Mayonnaise and ketchup should be kept in the refrigerator after opening Never place food in an open tin in the refrigerator. Use secure containers instead and throw the food out after two or three days Keep seafood either in the refrigerator or in the freezer until you are ready to prepare it Cross contamination occurs when food is put in contact with other contaminated foods. An example of this could be the blood from a piece of chicken dripping onto a plate of cooked food. Cross contamination means that the bacteria or other pathogens have been transferred from an infected food item. They either become infected or contaminated. If food looks or smells in any way, throw it out. A sure sign of spoilage is mould. Most mouldy foods should be binned along with leaking cartons and food which has gone past its use by date. Most frozen foods should be thrown out after three to six month’s. When storing food in the freezer, remove it from the wrapping and place it in a labelled and dated freezer bag. Remember to expel all the air from the bag before sealing it. If a power cut has occurred then foods that have started to defrost should be thrown out. If the power comes back on and if there is any doubt about which foods have defrosted and refrozen, the food should be thrown away. Food that does not need keeping cold should be kept in a sealed container in a cool dry cupboard or larder. It should never be stored on the floor. Vegetables can normally be kept in a cool, dry place in loose bags or racks but not in plastic bags. This makes them sweat and rot quicker.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Of Mice and Men Empathy Task

Empathy Task Well here I am again on the same old ranch, alone. My friend is being chassed!! I lost my dream, my friends and my dog. When I had all those, it made me feel kinda special, I s'pose, ain't too many guys around here who have friends; who have dreams especially these days. Most of them just dont care or they pretend they don’t, goddam depression, I wasn’t one of those guys, I had friends and dreams and hopes and†¦ . Anyhow, Lennie's gone now. They are gonna found him and kill him or he will never return, for sure i am not seeing him again!I gotta say even if he was a crazy bastard that shattered my dream, does anyone knows how bad that feels!! One day you are making plans and the other day you realize that it’s never gonna happen. I lost Lennie as well, he was someone to talk to and I hope he finds the damn rabbits he always wanted, in fact; he was the one that told me about the dream in the first place. I will miss him. I am so pissed off about a ll these things!! She did it, that bitch, Curley's Wife. Ever since I met her I knew she was bad.Never expected it to end the way it did though. I didn't expect to find her dead on the floor. I mean who did. I panicked at first but I knew what to do, I had to tell George before everybody else. It was all her fault. She was the one who came to Lennie, I mean; Lennie wouldn’t have touched her, poor bastard. Lennie was a good man and i know he didn’t do it on purpose! Thing aren’t going back though, I lost all of my dreams and hopes in that split second that I realized she was dead! She was responsible, i wanted to kill her, but she was already dead!!I hate her and that scum, Curley, I bet my life he was the one that told Carlosn to shoot my dog!! Bloody ‘hand fulla Vaseline' Still if it had to be done I prefer to have done it myself. He was my dog, my companion, my friend. I don't know how I am going to get through the last few years of my life without him. I shoulda done it myself. They would let me leave this ranch but where would I go. I can't go to the farm on my own can I. The thought of leaving my dog behind, is just too powerful so I've decided I'm not going anywhere.People leave, I am staying here alone until I rot in the ground. My dog just goes round and round in my head. If George leaves as well, life will be back to normal like it was before Lennie and George turned up. The same old people as before. Curley will still be cocky except that he will be single know and I will be the same old man with no friends at all know that my dog is gone as well. I don’t have many reasons to keep living after this, my friends are gone and my dream is shuttered!! I hate not being able to help in the fields.I miss it so much. I don't like being here in this place all day by myself. I have spent the best years of my life working in someone else’s ranch, only to lose one hand and end up with little money!! George and Lennie were my only chance of making my dream come true!! I was gonna spent every penny I had so that i could be a bit closer to the American dream which is now something that I will never succeed. I am at the end of a long hard-working career that offered me a crap life, I can’t fix the things know, i mean i would if i could but I just can’t!!I can’t get over with the fact that I could have made it!! We were gonna get a little place and we were gonna have a big vegetable patch and all kind of good things! No one was gonna throw me out of there when I was gonna be at my oldest!! I was so close! George also started to believe that it was coming true but all of a sadden everything went down! I can’t do this anymore, why did I not die instead of being left to feel all this pain. They should have let me die†¦

Monday, July 29, 2019

Total Quality Management Survey Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Total Quality Management Survey Paper - Essay Example 3. Effective involvement and utilization of entire staff. 4. Constant and continuous improvement in the business performance. 5. Working through synergy with suppliers. 6. Establishing the performance measures for various areas. In this discussion, we would be analyzing three companies from manufacturing, service and not for profit organizations and would be further analyzing customer driven quality, leadership, employee management and training and measurement, monitoring with analysis for each and every organization. The Organization that I am going to discuss is the Caterpillar, the company was found in 1925 as a result of a merger with Holt Manufacturing Co. and it strived and settled it self because of the lack of competition, they were the pioneers in manufacturing the construction equipments of that time which were also used in the world war I and II effectively. The company is manufacturing seven types of products, but has a list of four hundred products as the seven are the main product types, originally it was formed as a heavy equipment industry and providing services such as construction and agricultural products, including tractors, engineering vehicles, bulldozers, loaders, but it has also diversified now keeping in view its customer's needs and wants, and so it also started making the rough and tough shoes. The company was having the revenue of about US $ 36.339 Billion in the year 2005 and it is currently employing about 77,000 people approximately, the organizational culture that the company is showing is strong enough in terms of services they are providing right now, it was all due to the fierce competition with Komatsu that the company decided to change its culture in 1990s as a result they are having very strong hold in the market, the culture was weak before 1990s as there were so many of the labor strikes and a lot of shutdown processing, but sooner the company identified its weakness and worked on it, one of the biggest reasons of its success is that now the entire union of employees work together and corporate at their level best with the customer as a result the company has achieved excellence, which was otherwise not possible if there wouldn't be any team work or if there was no maximum utilization of the work force they have. The Customers of Caterpillar are usually construction firms and also few contractors having construction business, as no body can buy the Caterpillar products for the personal use, thus all the efforts are directed on the industrial business zone rather than private customers. The customers are viewing Caterpillar a high quality product as the company has produced even the custom made equipments for them, without accepting nonconformance. The features, performance, conformance, reliability, durability, service, response and reputations are the quality dimensions, which have been attracting the customers from a long time. The leadership has played a major part in the survival of Caterpillar Co. No body can expect a company to resist the pressure when the labor turns against it, here the leadership played a vital role for Caterpillar, now the organization has recruited people who are already excelled in their fields and have no complaints against the organization, the employees are bei ng treated as family members and all of these

Sunday, July 28, 2019


DISCUSS THE NURSING ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF A PATIENT WITH HYPOGLYCAEMIA EMERGENCY - Essay Example nerves, and blood vessels. Pancreas: The pancreas is a gland that lies behind the stomach; it is a compound gland with both exocrine and endocrine components. The endocrine component is secreted in the islets of Langerhans, and this comprises of two hormones, glucagon and insulin. Within the islets, there are beta cells that secrete insulin (A Dictionary of Nursing, 2003).Pathophysiology of Diabetes: Diabetes results from deficient insulin secretion, decreased insulin action, or both. Many causative pathologic processes may be involved ranging from autoimmune destruction of beta cells of the pancreas to incompletely understood processes that result in insulin resistance. In both the mechanisms, there is strong evidence of a genetic counterpart. Whatever may be the mechanism of injury, deficiency of insulin leads to production of large volume of urine and excessive thirst. The excess sugar in the blood draws water, and the excess sugar starts appearing in urine, thereby leading to a loss of sugar in the urine. This results in weight loss, and the patient not only becomes thirsty, but also hungry. (A Dictionary of Nursing, 2003). Types of Diabetes Mellitus: Depending on the pathologic mechanism causing diabetes, diabetes has been classified into two types. One, where there is absolute deficiency of insulin due to destruction of islet cells, so the patients are entirely dependent on insulin for counteracting this deficiency state. This usually starts in childhood or adolescence, and this is termed as IDDM or insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus or type 1 diabetes mellitus. The other, where there is insulin resistance and... "hypoglycaemia n."Concise Medical Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2002. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press.British Council Delhi.2 May 2007http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.htmlsubview=Main&entry=t60.e4784 "insulin n."Concise Medical Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2002. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press.British Council Delhi.2 May 2007http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.htmlsubview=Main&entry=t60.e5064 "pancreas n."A Dictionary of Nursing. Oxford University Press, 2003. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press.British Council Delhi.2 May 2007http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.htmlsubview=Main&entry=t62.e6551

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Change Management - Essay Example Secondly, the tem will start to design and develop applications for a new smart phone, a challenge that will require new skills and experience that some of the team members do not possess in the first place. These reorganizations will affect the team in a number of ways but most importantly, the team will be limited by the lack of skills and experience of some of its members since the designing and development of applications for the smart phone will require new skills and experience. Additionally, since the administration has requested for a reduced timeline, the team will have to put in substantial extra hours to meet the timelines in the design and development of apps for the smart phone. Change Management Strategies Communication of change will be a crucial aspect of the change process, particularly because it facilitates change receptivity (Frahm and Brown, 2007); the first way to communicate the reorganization plans with the team is through staff forums, where team members rais e and address all the real issues and concerns related with their work. The second way of communicating change is through site visitation, to interact with the team to find out the particular projects they are working on, and to invite them to suggest innovative ways of doing things differently. Buy-in from the team will facilitate the change process since it will align the team to the reorganization changes; the first way of gaining buy-in from the team is through clarity and consistency of the change message i.e. by offering a solid rationale for the change and passing the key message of change to all team members consistently. The second way of gaining buy-in from the team will be through invitation of dialogue, drawing the team members together in a forum for open discussions to urge their engagement and participation in the reorganization changes; participative management reduces resistance to change because it encourages members to feel valued and their opinions count (Pardo-d el-Val, Martinez-Fuentes and Roig-Dobon, 2012). The first way of dealing with resistance from the team will be though fostering openness and two-way communication by asking for suggestions on how change can occur since when team members feel in control of the process, they are more likely to accept change. The second way of dealing with resistance will be through transparency, by providing all the details of the reorganization changes without holding back information from the team. The first way of leading and motivating the team through the change will be by coaching and empowering the members to be part of the change by engaging them in decision-making processes, and to encouraging them to come up with innovative solutions to challenges by giving them responsibility. The second way of leading and motivating the team through the change is through provision of feedback that creates positive reinforcement to team members, and suggesting areas that need enhancement; coaching and feedb ack are powerful tools for maximizing performance efficiency while minimizing weaknesses (Gilley, Gilley and Heather, 2009). Two specific ways that will be used to inform the supervisor of plans and progress will be face-to-face communications and regular progress reports, which will provide details of progress including quick wins already gained in the course of change implementation. Face to face are the most effective and preferred mode of communication, especially because they allow

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analzing daily diet Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analzing daily diet - Case Study Example A balanced diet with adequate amount of vitamins and minerals not only maintains the health but also prevents us from many diseases. Diet vitalizes the immune system and strengthens body systems. An adequate amount of vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, etc and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium can prevent us from cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, digestion problems and many other diseases. A complete diet includes vegetables, fruits, meat, milk and adequate amount of water. I have selected a young college going boy that is following the diet plans. As a young individual he loves eating out particularly fast foods. According to him, he has been following the diet since he is in college. He also intakes junk foods. His diet consists of the following foods and food products. The individual is taking 4824 Kilo calories from the food he is taking. He is taking about 170 grams of fats, 214 grams of proteins, 628 grams of carbohydrates, 2444 calcium, 45.2 gram iron, 11719 micrograms vitamin-A and 914 micrograms vitamin-C. According to the RDA recommendation, the person is of the age group of 19-24 years. He should take about 2900 kilo calories of energy from food, 800 milligram calcium, 1000 micrograms Vitamin A, 63 grams protein, 10 milligram iron and 15 micrograms of zinc (Time-to-run.com, 2014). According to the RDA nutrition chart, the individual is taking enough nutrition. It seems that the individual is taking enough fats that his body stores. He is missing some of the essential nutritional foods that have selenium, adequate amount of iron, zinc and iodine. He is having a complete diet as his diet include a high dosage of calcium that he attains from milk and cheese. He attains enough amount of Vitamin A that he attains from cereal in the breakfast. He takes enough Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6, which he attains from the beef

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Being a change agent Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Being a change agent - Thesis Example The world is changing drastically in all aspects of life. The ability of organizations to be flexible and foresee future changes is of more essence today than it was several years ago. Therefore, organizations without flexibility and the ability to see future changes are likely to experience serious change management crisis, which may make it difficult for the affected organizations to survive in the market. Making it through the change process in an organization, department or any other vital organ within an organization is a remarkable achievement. In order to make it through the process, proper strategic planning is vital before implementing any changes. Change projects share similar characteristics just like any other project within an organization, but change projects produce bigger impacts on persons participating in the change process (Gilley, 2001). Change refers to everything entailing reengineering, and right sizing whereby organizations have all the justifications as to why they are investing heavily on the change process. One key reason for organizations to invest heavily on the change process is to gain a competitive advantage in the market. Organizations are able to remain relevant in the market for a considerable period after gaining the competitive advantage. Albert Einstein once stated that, without altering thought patterns, human beings cannot solve the problems they have created with their current patterns of thought. One can argue that this statement serves as the driving force for the majority of change agents (Coskun & Krdzalic, 2009). Changes in various aspects of life are essential since they bring about continuity of organizational growth. However, there are some people who resist changes and understanding such characters is essential in attempts to understand change agents within an organization. One main reason, which is usually cited as the main

Energy Policy Paradox Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Energy Policy Paradox - Essay Example The earth’s respiration will be eased when people consume less of the plastic materials and walk more instead of driving in cars. However, realistically, people still need to drive and consumer products. Thus, solution that is more plausible would be electric cars and extensive recycling programs that educate people to reuse the previously used materials. By doing so, there will be no carbon flux that will negatively influence the earth’s fine balance on the carbon cycle. There is also the need to introduce sequestration where the carbon dioxide emitted is trapped before it spreads to the atmosphere. The Carbon dioxide is trapped as gas and then pumped underground or to the ocean. Countries should start using renewable energy sources such as solar, biofuels, wave, and wind as a direct substitute to the fossils fuels and erase carbon dioxide emissions. Renewable energy is efficient and it does emit carbon dioxide that leads to climate change. People should be encouraged to plant trees and save the natural environment from degradation. Summarily, greenhouse gases, fossil fuels, and human activities are responsible for the change in climatic patterns. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted in the atmosphere is very high which leads to climatic changes. Therefore, there is the need to curb climate change through introduction of renewable energy to avoid the usage of fossil fuels, cut on green gases emitted from industries, and practice tree planting in order to minimize environmental

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Relevance of the Capital Asset Pricing Model to a Company Seeking Essay

The Relevance of the Capital Asset Pricing Model to a Company Seeking to Evaluate its Cost of Capital - Essay Example The Capital Asset Pricing Model was devised by William Sharpe to calculate as well as explain â€Å"†¦the expected rate of return on an asset †¦ (that) †¦can be written as the risk-free rate of interest plus the asset’s normalized covariance with the market times the difference between markets expected the rate of return and the risk-free rate† (Milne, 1995, pp. 5-6). Under financial theory CAPM is a model that shows assets returns concerning principle in conjunction with econometric models (Milne, 1995, pp. 5-6), and is represented by the following formula (Burton, 1998, pp. 21-22): CAPM is calculated using the beta as it provides a measurement of a stock's volatility in terms of its movement comparison with the overall stock market (Burton, 1998, pp. 21-22). The above means that when a company’s share price moves in tandem with the market, with the beta of a stock is represented by 1 and a 15% movement indicated as 1.5 (Burton, 1998, pp. 21-22). Foster (1986, p. 337) provides a summary of the two assumptions present in the Capital Asset Pricing Model as represented by â€Å"1. Two statistics, the mean and variance, are sufficient to describe investor preferences over the distribution of future returns on a portfolio. 2. Investors prefer higher expected returns to lower expected returns for a given level of portfolio variance, and prefer lower variance to higher variance of portfolio returns for a given level of expected returns". Corporate finance managers utilize CAPM to determine the estimated discount rate that is connected to a project under consideration (Ferran, 1999, p. 12). In conjunction with the foregoing, CAPM is used as a means to measure the systematic risk present in equity investment projects (Megginson, 1997, Pp. 107-123).  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Risk Assessment for Retail Property Investments in Ireland and Europe Essay

Risk Assessment for Retail Property Investments in Ireland and Europe - Essay Example The rise of disposable income (predicted to exceed 100 billion by 2010) and population growth in Ireland are the reasons that led to the escalation of the retail property segment. The retail investments contributed 52% of the total property investments in 2006. Retail parks and retail outlet centres have shown the most prominent growth in the retail sector since the year 1990. Some counties in Ireland like Leitrim and Roscommon do not have any shopping centre facilities at all while others like Laois, Kilkenny, Carlow, Westmeath and Louth are oversupplied (Market News, 2006). The oversupply is a cause of concern for the retailers as it leads to more competition. The depression in the housing market, rising unemployment and other adverse economic conditions have affected the spending capacity of the customers in a negative fashion (Retail sector becoming more competitive, 2008). Fig. 1 shows the pedestrian foot fall in the first three months of 2008 on the two main streets of Dublin i.e. Grafton Street (down 9% as compared to the previous five years) and Henry Street (down 12%)(Finfacts Team, 2008). However the conditions in Ireland are better than in other European nations. There is a vast scope of foreign retail investments in the country as compared to other European countries. The spending power of people is superior and the economic conditions are favourable for the retail expansion than those in other countries of Europe. The growth of the property sector also depends on the global economic scenario. The availability of funds from the banks for new ventures in the retail sector will also hamper its growth. There is a concern about the oversupply and resulting stagnation as happened in the housing market. The investors must make sure that the overdevelopment does not have a negative impact on the rental and capital values. As shown in the fig.2 the rents in a major street in Dublin are very high compared to other countries in Europe and are stable over a couple of years, with retail shopping centres making the major contribution (Finfacts Team, 2008a). Fig.2 (Finfacts Team, 2008) The current scenario in the retail market in other European nations is as follows: There is a vast scope of retail development and investment in the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The retail sector is not fully developed yet and offers a great possibility of economic expansion. Eastern European countries like Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic have saturated retail markets in major cities and the focus of development is shifting to smaller regions. There is a huge retail investment opportunities in form of shopping malls and retail stores in Central European countries like Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Russia. Portugal and Denmark will mark more than normal retail trade expansion. Demand in these countries is more than supply, making them potential development prospects. UK is likely to experience a slowdown in the retail market investments as shown in fig.3. Fig.3 (Finfacts Team,

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Sea Around Us’ by Rachel Carson Essay Example for Free

The Sea Around Us’ by Rachel Carson Essay I have read excerpts from two texts. An informational text titled ‘The Sea Around Us’ by Rachel Carson, and a literature text titled ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’, by Jules Verne. In both excerpts there are many descriptions of the ocean. Many people debate whether details are described more vividly in informational text, or in literature. I feel the ocean was described more vividly in the excerpt from the literature text ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’. I believe the ocean is described more vividly in the excerpt from the story Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea because when I read it I feel like I’m there. The imagery is very strong and everything is described in such great detail. For example, when M. Aronnax was describing the coral kingdom in the ocean and said â€Å"I was tempted to gather their fresh petals, ornamented with delicate tentacles, some just blown, the others budding, while small fish, swimming swiftly, touched them slightly like flights of birds.† He described perfectly what the petals of the corals in the ocean looked like. He stated that some were blown and others weren’t. He also did this when explaining the effect the light of the lamps had on the ocean. He said â€Å"The light from our lamps produced sometimes magical effects, following the rough outlines of the natural arches, and pendants disposed like lusters, that were tipped with points of fire.† He even went as far as to describe the outlines of the natural arches of the coral. The excerpt from the informational text The Sea Around Us focuses more on getting their information across to the readers rather than imagery. This is emphasized when the author was describing how ocean life grew more and more complex. He described how aggregations of specialized cells arose from simple one celled creatures. When describing this he stated â€Å"From simple, one celled creatures, others that were aggregations of specialized cells arose, and then creatures with organs for feeding, digesting, breathing, reproducing.† The author described more what the creatures organs were for, but gave no imagery. I felt this gave the readers more information, but not as much details left for our imagination. Overall I felt Jules Verne used a more vivid description when describing the ocean then Rachel Carson. When the author described all of the coral in the ocean he used amazing imagery. I feel the author describes many details people would overlook when viewing  coral. I also feel the author made very good comparisons when describing the ocean and the things in it. For example when M. Aronnax said â€Å"†¦while small fish, swimming swiftly, touched them slightly like flights of birds.† I felt he described very well what the small fish swimming by them looked like. I felt his comparison of the small fish swimming to a flight of birds really helped to emphasize how the fish looked while swimming. He also did this when describing how much coral was in the ocean. He said â€Å"Coral is sold for twenty pounds per ounce and in this place the water beds would make the fortunes of a company of coral divers.† He used the face that coral is sold for twenty pounds for ounce to emphasize how much coral was in the sea. I also liked the comparison he made between the tips of the coral and the â€Å"points of fire†. I feel the author used very good comparisons to enable the readers to visualize and get a clearer picture of his descriptions of underneath the ocean. In the excerpt from the informational text The Sea Around Us I felt the author didn’t use very good comparisons when describing the ocean. When describing the mysterious borderline forms the author said they were â€Å"not quite plans, not quite animals† I felt the author did very poor in describing this. The description was way too general. Some may feel that Rachel Carson described the ocean more in her text The Sea Around Us. When describing the sponges growing on the bottom of the ocean. She said â€Å"Sponges grew on the rocky bottom of the sea’s edge and coral animals built their habitations in warm, clear waters.† She did describe the temperature of the water but it was a very broad description. She only described the ocean as being warm and clear. I feel she could have used more detail when describing it. She also could have described the bottom of the sea as more than just rocky. She could have described the outlines and arches of it as Jules Verne did when describing the coral. Jules Verne placed more work in using visual details to describe the ocean than Rachel Carson did. I understand some people may feel many different ways about the way each author described the ocean in their texts. However, the comparisons, visual details, and imagery Jules Verne used to describe the ocean on her text help give readers a clearer visualization of the ocean than Rachel Carson. Yes, Rachel Carson got information across to her readers, but she did not do such a great job when getting the image of the ocean across to the readers. It is  evident that Jules Verne did a better job a describing the ocean in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea than Rachel Carson in The Sea Around Us.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Providing Leadership in an Organisation

Providing Leadership in an Organisation Providing leadership for a team in an organisation       Task one 1. Give your brief history of your organisation and your role in organisation? United Flower Growers Ltd (UFG) is a company formed by the combination of grower-owned companies United Flower Auction Limited, and the flower operational arm of Market Gardeners Limited creating a truly unique and well-structured marketing organization that is totally focused to the needs of the New Zealand Flower Industry. It is located in 500 MT wellington highway in mt wellington. I am working as a supervisor in the company which is really hard for me I have to do lots of work to arrange auction. We arrange 3 auctions in a week. Auctions start at 6 am but we have to load the trollies before the auction so we start working at 3 am. UFG currently runs two physical in-house auction systems in Auckland and wellington. This auction runs on the Dutch Auction Method using an electronic clock system with the aid of an auctioneer. The clock descends anti-clockwise from a set start price and then decreasing in price until a buyer is wants to make a bid and accept the purchase price. The big advantage of this system is the speed, accuracy and fairness of the sales process. Fresh flowers are delivered the day before, overnight or early morning prior to the start of the auction. The flowers are sold on a non-preferential basis. The flowers are sold on a non-preferential basis. This means that provided product is received prior to the auction cut off time, the flowers can be sold at any time during the auction. Q2.state your Organisation visions and values, and then explain them in a way that is meaningful and would be understood to your team? Visions As an industry-owned company, our goals and objectives are almost identical to those of our suppliers and customers and to be alive in the flower industry for the 50 years. We will continue to work as industry partners with all involved in the NZ flower industry. Values Be friendly to customers. Responsible to your job Punctual to work Co-operative with other staff management. Name and fame of company. Q3.How do you know that your team understand your visions and Values? As a supervisor it is my responsibility to check with my team is they really understand the visions and values of the organisation. It can be done in many ways so I am going to describe following- Meetings- by doing meeting with my team members I can confirm that they got it or not. Feedback- at the end of the month I can take feedback from each staff member to make sure they understand the vision and values. Work performance- I think it is also a best way to make sure everybody is working on the expectations of the company; I can observe or supervise their work they are working good or not. Q4. Describe at least two leadership styles that you have used in the context of your work explain how you chosen your leadership styles influence others in your team to achieve your organisational goals and it is consistent with its visions and values ? Autocratic leadership is a leadership style controlled by individual control to make all the decisions. Autocraticleaders typically make choices based on their ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from other team members. For example if I want to fire somebody from work whether he is working good or not, if I want to fire him I dont take any advice from anybody I just make my decision. Democratic leadership is a type of leadership style in which members of the group take a more participative role in the decision-making process. Everyone is given the opportunity to participate, ideas are exchanged freely, and discussion is encouraged. For example if I want to hire somebody so I will decide with my team members that are there any need to hire somebody or not. Q5. Providing examples of how you model behaviour that are consistent with your organisational visions and values? Group work is depending on the basis of individual partners. They need to trust, respect, and support each other. It can be anything at the workplace for example support and help if anybody need. Sharing Information Communication Patience Honesty Team work Ans6. Personal styles Friendly Every employer has a dream to have employees with glowing behaviours, making management of employees an easy task. Talk nicely with staff and customers. If any problem try to solve it with patience. Co-operative It means to respect, and support each other. It can be anything at the workplace for example support and help if anybody need. Working styles The Social Work Style Helpers The Investigative Work Style Problem solving The Conventional Work Style Organizers The Artistic Work Style Creates more plans Q7.Describe an example of a workplace situation where inconsistent styles were present, however you were able to provide support to individual and teams to achieve consistency? Ans7. I am a supervisor at UFG, as a supervisor I have to face many difficulties and to provide consistency in a team or a workplace is best option is to make team spirit in your working team that everyone in your team is to be friendly to every person of your team. An example for my workers not work properly like be lazy due to any cause I use leadership style democratic first discussing with all the staff about their working by individual meetings or staff meeting then after that see their working if they start working better so it is good but if not then apply autocratic leadership style by straight order to them or give them warning if the last time they do the same then harshly fire them from their job. Assignment Task Two Section 1 A. We can establish a team behavioural expectations and standards with some responsibility if we give responsibility to someone. One of the best key components of establishing a team is to setting expectations for the team members who are coming on my path way. 1. See the members interest in the company problems or anything happen in company that they take part in companys matter or not. 2. See company decision making skills by which you get a simple idea that companys members knows about all the characteristics visions and values of company. 3. The behavioural expectations of the team is seen in the general organisation. B. Yes thee agreed behavioural expectation and standards must be clear and consider and should be recorded in a format that meets your individual teams and organisational requirements. I can see effecting of each person from the gathering and all things considered, in case I see execution drop in a gathering or an individual, and have a meeting with him/her or gathering to energize that individual or gathering moreover help the individual or meeting in accomplishing their points and this improves the execution of the person. C. It must be align to with the organization vision and values it is very important for good work performance. If everybody is working according to the vision and values then we can work nicely. By watching s and groups advance and taking a gander at what objectives have been skilled and in the event that they coordinate with the relations values and vision. Minutes of meetings Staff meeting minutes: Meeting title- issues during work Date Wednesday, 1, March, 2016 Time of the meeting 11:00 am Area of meeting: Staff room Visitors Sandeep Open correspondence: none Attendees: karanvir Singh Sandeep Singh, Rajkawal Singh kamaljit Singh, Mandeep Singh Absentees: Arshdeep Singh, Rajvir singh Planes: 1. Need to look after the customers and satisfy them by giving incredible qualities of organizations. 2. Issue of parking. 3. Talk to the other staff and conform with them where we need more staff. Agenda Scene: auction room Time: 11 am Participants: Manager Happy Supervisor Karanvir Singh Administrator Sandeep Singh Group Leader-Rajvir Singh Minute taker: kawal Singh 1. Customer service 2. Parking issues of colleagues. 3. Need more staff. All agreed. Section 2 A) Problem in the working environment can be a positive technique if managed reasonably. Issues besides, issues are seen and directed in a split second. In the event that I continually ignoring issues that is without a doubt making issues my accomplices it might understand the lessened level of thankfulness between the accomplices and social event pioneer. To guarantee issues of accomplices are watched out for, I equip them with plan of their duties and assets. It is fundamental to screen my social occasion, uninhibitedly and taking all things into account to examine their issues and issues worry with their work and working environment endeavoring to see issues before they wind up being full scale issues. They give me responses on the movement of work and on the off chance that they require additional asset or time to complete the endeavor. Outline: Rajkawal required additional opportunity to arrange on the reference with the client association supplier (alluded to not) as the suppli er was away. B) I guarantee I have a sorted out talk with every individual from the social event and take a gander at any issues or bolster they require secluded from the meeting. Beginning late Dilraj clearly was late at work. On exchange with him I discovered he had transportation issues. Anmol goes from an undefined course from Dilraj and we examined the matter with Anmol why should merry give Dilraj transportation until his auto was settled. C) The achievement of any attempt relies on upon the duties of each individual from the total, yet two or three clusters arrange superior to anything others. Precisely when accomplices have an assessment particular proprietorship in the social event meander, accept that their obligations are respected, additionally, see that the attempt manager contributes nearly and exhibit others how its done, they feel affected to contribute their best work. By allowing to everybody to talk up and to share their contemplations, make everybody a pioneer, being an ordinary illustration and empowering proprietorship, these things demonstrates particularly pleasing to support the partners. I utilize the running with strategy to broaden unrivaled in the social event. I keep records of the progress .To make a region for accomplishment, by purging hindrances, setting an unmistakable vision and giving major mechanical gatherings and arranging. d) I allow my partners to stand up their viewpoints in the midst of our social events. Exactly when the whole assembling should be incorporated at the same time, I explore accord essential authority models. With these, each gathering part has the opportunity to give data and suppositions. All people discuss decisions until we overall agree on an answer. With understanding, theres frequently exchange off. Not everyone gets all that they require out of an official conclusion. Regardless, in light of the fact that everyone has sensible information, the decisions came to are often ones that all can live with. E) Enhance and support (1) Monitoring the work adequately (giving hopeful input and responding to issues in the work with gratefulness and offer) Anmol required additional some assistance with timing to complete his assignment in managing the Customer Service Course Provider. I comprehended that in this way of the inaccessibility of the supplier he was not set up to finish his work inside the time partition and required additional time. (2) Providing socio-anxious fortify (indicating support for a colleagues activities or choices; soothing unsavory conditions for subordinates; mixing; keeping accomplices instructed about upsetting conditions; tending; really appraisals; and uncovering individual data). I saw when Sandeep was not set up to complete his work and was underweight because of transport issues. I procured Sandeep and Manoj for a little espresso meeting to deal with his issue. Anmol was demonstrated support and vitality to help Sandeep. F) Mutual trust among individuals I develop my social affair on the initiate of their lord accomplishment all together for accomplices to regard each other. I see their accomplishment straightforwardly. I dont talk about bungles made by a partner despite his awesome certainty. I have to recognize with him stealthily and exhibit how he can overhaul his execution. Prohibit bits of jibber jabber inside the social event, keeping an open ear to stories which can contain hurting, adversarial or too much individual information on any individual from the get-together. This can be a basic inability to our social event. I ensure all individuals are overseen correspondingly as and no twofold standard obliged to any one individual from the social occasion. Distribute work in sensible way. Solve clashes in ace way. G) Encourage new thoughts that encourage viable cooperation I make a working environment where all suggestion, obligations and activities are welcome from specialists at all levels of the affiliation. I hold social affairs to create new considerations. Compensate staff for their exertion by offering impelling forces e.g. I gave Anmol trade compensate for getting out a Customer Benefit Course Provider who engineered with us and gave us an arrangement which was less exorbitant than some other relationship in our general region. Section 3 A) I interface with individuals outside the social occasion utilizing fitting correspondence channels. If they have an inclination for email, I email to interface with them or telephone call, faxet cetera. I do plan key delegates inside our social event on the best way to deal with manage the general people when observing request on touchy issues. In addition I utilize studies and reviews to assess and address issues. B) Some techniques for correspondence from people outside our gathering are by methods for email, phone calls, verbal correspondences, surveys, studies et cetera. C) With the cut-off points and experience and being an old staff of our organization together, karan was hopeless about his wages. There hadnt been any improvement to his pay inside the latest year. With the creating workload he was expecting a remuneration rise soon. He was crying of this matter on a few occasions. Associates were beginning to get exasperated by his difficulties. I had information from the head concerning the issue. I had visits with the money and back division if there can be pay climb in weeks to come. i promised them that Surjit is a resolute worker and no doubt we are experiencing workload starting at now. It is sensible to give him a compensation rise. Since contradictions and emerges are inescapable from social affairs, the best methodology is urging accomplices to learn sharpens that offer them some assistance with working through clashes and keep up careful working relationship in the meantime. D. The second issue was, there was a two individuals, one of my area of skill and the other of the other division were having strife with each other over some negligible issue and they were the primary communicators in the middle of both the offices they conveyed each others specializations data and were in this way essential in correspondence inside the offices and for the powerful working of the organization as they having a few issues with each other they used to overlook imperative datas sent from each other or werent notwithstanding sending any and were reprimanding each other for the disappointment which cost the association a lot as far as customers and notoriety, then they both were called attempted to mollify them two and instructed them to be proficient in work and on the off chance that they didnt work appropriately and the organization endures any further misfortunes they will be ended from there on they kept that hatred out of the workplace and began working legitimately . E. The healing move made for the principal example was to have a meeting with that representative and educated him regarding the significance of the client benefit and in the event that he doesnt enhances than stern move will be made against him. In the second case I apologized to the client and changed the standard and asked client that we can give the thing at a similar value we have posted on the flag on the off chance that he needs. Reference https://ufg.co.nz/growers https://ufg.co.nz/work/inhouse-auctioning

Analysis of Tools for Data Cleaning and Quality Management

Analysis of Tools for Data Cleaning and Quality Management Data cleaning is needed in process of combining heterogeneous data sources with relation or tables in databases. Data cleaning or data cleansing or data scrubbing is defined as removing and detecting errors along with ambiguities existing in files, log tables. It is done with the aim to improve quality of data. Data quality and data cleaning are both related terms. Both are directly proportional to each other. If data is cleansed timely then quality of data will get improved day by day. There are various data cleaning tools that are freely available on net. The tools include Winpure Clean and Match, OpenRefine, Wrangler, Data cleaner and many more. The thesis presents information about WinPure Clean and Match data cleaning tool, its benefits and applications in running environment due to its three filtered mechanism of cleaning data. Its implementation has been done by taking user defined database and results are presented in this chapter. WinPure Clean and Match It is one of easiest and simplest three phase filtered cleaning tool to perform data cleansing and data de-duplication. It is designed in such a way that running this application saves time and money. The main benefit of this tool is that we can import two tables or lists at same time. The software uses fuzzy matching algorithm technique for performing powerful data de-duplication. The functions of this tool are as follows: Removes redundant data from databases in faster way. Correct misspellings and incorrect email addresses. It also converts words to uppercase or lowercase depending on user’s demand. Removes unwanted punctuation and spelling errors. Helps to relocate missing data and gives statistics in form of 3D chart. This option can be proven useful in finding population percentage of particular area. It automatically capitalizes first alphabet of every word. Advantages Increases accuracy and utilization of database (either professional database, user defined database or consumer database). Eliminate duplicity from databases using fuzzy matching de-duplication technique. Increases industry perspectives by using standard naming conventions with facility of removing duplicate data from original data. Export given file into various formats like access, excel(95), excel (2007), outlook systems etc. Applications The software is made for use from normal users to IT professionals. It is ideal for marketing, banking, universities and various IT organizations. Working of WinPure Clean and Match Clean and Match is made of three components- Data, Clean and Match. Data gives us imported list of tables. Clean option consists of seven modules each having different purposes. The clean section is basically used to analyze, clean, correct and correctly populate given table without removing duplicity. It has separate cleansing modules like Statistics Module, Case converter, Text cleaner, Column cleaner, E-mail cleaner, column splitter and column merger. Match section is used to detect duplicity using fuzzy matching de-duplication technique. WinPure Clean and Match contains a unique 3 step approach for finding duplications in given list or database. Step 1: The first step is to specify which table/s and columns you would like to use to search for possible duplications. Step 2: The second step is to specify which matching technique you would like to use either basic (telephone numbers, emails, etc) or advanced de-duplication with or without fuzzy matching (names, addresses, etc. Step 3: The final step is to specify which viewing screen you would like to use, WinPure Clean Match offers two unique viewing screens for managing the duplicated records. Limitations of WinPure Clean and Match (a) It has nothing to deal with connectivity and networking of dataset. It simply removes redundant words by cleaning and matching data. (b) It is not derived from any expert systems like Simile Longwell CSI and lacks client server terminology. (c) It means modifying/updating dataset is not possible once data is imported in tool. Google Refine Google refine overcomes the limitations of WinPure Clean and Match. It was earlier called as OpenRefine. It is powerful tool for working with dirty data and cleans, transforms data along with various services to link it to databases like Freebase. OpenRefine understands a variety of data file formats. Currently, it tries to guess the format based on the file extension. For example,.xmlfiles are of course in XML. By default, an unknown file extension is assumed to be either tab-separated value (TSV) or comma-separated value (CSV). Once imported, the data is stored in OpenRefines own format, and original data file is left undisturbed. Google Refine Architecture OpenRefine is a web application that is intended to be run on ones own machine and used by oneself. The machine has server as well as client side. The server-side maintains states of the data (undo/redo history, long-running processes, etc.) while the client-side maintains states of the user interface (facets and their selections, view pagination, etc.). The client-side makes GET and POST Ajax calls to modify and fetch data related information from server side. The architecture has come into existence from expert systems like Simile Long well CSI, a faceted browser for RDF data. It provides a good separation of concerns (data vs. Universal interface) and also makes it quick and easy to implement user interface features using familiar web technologies. Server-Side: It tells about modeling of data and storing it into given repository. Client-Side: It tells about building of GUI. Faceted Browsing: It is related to facets (text, column). It tells how to use facets in browsing data. Reconciliation Service API: It describes a standard reconciliation service structure. 5.6. Using Data Quality Services in connecting databases This section is to provide high quality data by introducing data quality services (DQS) in Microsoft SQL Server. The data-quality solution provided by Data Quality Services (DQS) enables an IT professional to maintain the quality of their data and ensure that the data is suited for its business usage. DQS is a knowledge-driven solution that provides both computer-assisted and interactive ways to manage the integrity and quality of your data sources. DQS enables you to discover, build, and manage knowledge about your data. You can then use that knowledge to perform data cleansing, matching, and profiling.It is based on building of knowledge base or test bed to identify the quality of data as well as correcting bad quality of data. Data Quality Services is a very important concept of SQL Server. Utilisation of data cleaning and quality phases The process of data cleaning starts from the starting phase when user chooses data from random dataset from internet or some books. A framework showing utility of these processes is described below in form of sequential steps listed below: Step 1) Choose random dataset Step 2) Shorten it as per user requirements Step 3) Find whether data contains dirty bits or not. Step 4) Cleanse data by testing it on application platforms like WinPure Clean and Match and Google Refine. Step 5) Then the task of creating high quality data is initiated. Step 6) Connect refined database with SQL server. Step7) Install Data Quality Services (DQS). Step 8) Knowledge base is built through DQS interface. Step 9) After building database, process of knowledge discovery has been started. Step 10) In knowledge discovery process, normalization of string values has been done to replace incorrect spellings and errors. Step 11) It leads to production of high quality data by removing dirty bits of data. Shortcomings of the existing tools WinPure Clean and Match simply clean data by removing redundant words. It does not give information about synonyms and homophones. This data cleaning tool produces moderate correctness level. The tool only gives details of incorrect words and matched words instead of removing similar words. It leads to wastage of memory and less accuracy. Data Quality Services (DQS) is somewhat complex for non technical users. A normal person cannot use this quality software without having knowledge of databases. DQS improves data quality with human intervention. If user selects correct spelling of given word, then DQS approves it else reject it. There is no automatic system for detection of strings and synonyms. One has to create set up of SQL in machine to use it. Both tools work syntactically rather than semantically. That is the reason they are unable to find synonyms. These tools corrects given data according to predefined syntaxes like spelling errors, omitting commas etc. Keeping the above shortcomings in consideration, the study has proposed data cleaning algorithm by using String detection Matching technique via WordNet.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

guitar :: essays research papers

An acoustic guitar strums softly in the back alley of a rock concert.Thousands of people stampede by. They flood the streets like hungry animals.It starts to rain; slowly the guitar raises and smashes into the concrete-ridden ground over and over until it is screaming,raging-a guitar madness! It breaks and cracks into millions of tiny pieces. Another dream is broken. The people don't notice. They crowd the street, standing on someone else's misery. They kick the pieces aside and enter a world where self -involved entertainers sell their misery to a world where misery is fashionable. Music today is being controlled by pop culture. They use it as a weapon to over power and trick young listeners into buying their products.Pop culture today is seeming to be full of "faceless bands". They all look the same, and they all sound almost exactly the same. If someone even tries to enter the world of music, pop culture immediately takes control. They've turned it into a "music business". You'll get chewed up and spit out, if you don't look the part. It isn't about sounding the part anymore. It's all about looking the part for their self-proclaimed "music business". What ever happened to the musicians who performed just for the love of it? It's all about money now. They've all realized the power music has over people. They tried to take it away, and are now using it against us, for their advertisements, t.v. shows, radios, and various products. Music is more powerful than you think it is. Music creates the way you feel, and think. It is a huge social interest. If you go out with your friends, usually there will be music. It is a big impact on a teenage life. Think about dances, parties, and other social gatherings. It's turned into a new fashion. If your friends listen to a certain type of music, there is a high percentage that you will too. People treat music like a clothing brand; a product to brainwash large quantities of people . What happened to the real musicians? Where are they? Well I'll tell you. They are the ones sitting in the back alley of a rock concert, going unnoticed, until their dream is smashed and they give up the dream of being "company property", and they wake up. Why bother trying to grasp the media's attention? You will just become one of them: a money craving beast. guitar :: essays research papers An acoustic guitar strums softly in the back alley of a rock concert.Thousands of people stampede by. They flood the streets like hungry animals.It starts to rain; slowly the guitar raises and smashes into the concrete-ridden ground over and over until it is screaming,raging-a guitar madness! It breaks and cracks into millions of tiny pieces. Another dream is broken. The people don't notice. They crowd the street, standing on someone else's misery. They kick the pieces aside and enter a world where self -involved entertainers sell their misery to a world where misery is fashionable. Music today is being controlled by pop culture. They use it as a weapon to over power and trick young listeners into buying their products.Pop culture today is seeming to be full of "faceless bands". They all look the same, and they all sound almost exactly the same. If someone even tries to enter the world of music, pop culture immediately takes control. They've turned it into a "music business". You'll get chewed up and spit out, if you don't look the part. It isn't about sounding the part anymore. It's all about looking the part for their self-proclaimed "music business". What ever happened to the musicians who performed just for the love of it? It's all about money now. They've all realized the power music has over people. They tried to take it away, and are now using it against us, for their advertisements, t.v. shows, radios, and various products. Music is more powerful than you think it is. Music creates the way you feel, and think. It is a huge social interest. If you go out with your friends, usually there will be music. It is a big impact on a teenage life. Think about dances, parties, and other social gatherings. It's turned into a new fashion. If your friends listen to a certain type of music, there is a high percentage that you will too. People treat music like a clothing brand; a product to brainwash large quantities of people . What happened to the real musicians? Where are they? Well I'll tell you. They are the ones sitting in the back alley of a rock concert, going unnoticed, until their dream is smashed and they give up the dream of being "company property", and they wake up. Why bother trying to grasp the media's attention? You will just become one of them: a money craving beast.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Warnings Against Gender Stereotypes in Early Twentieth-Century American

Many early twentieth-century American writers used conflicts based on female stereotypes as a central theme in their works. For example, the titular character from Mary E. Wilkins Freeman's short story A New England Nun lives a life of domestic solitude, happily sewing and cleaning while separated from her husband to be for nearly fifteen years. Freeman's nun uses her domesticity as an excuse to avoid marrying her fiancà ©, though she leads him on for most of the story and only avoids marriage after learning of her betrothed's love for another woman. Similarly, the much mentioned but never revealed central character in Susan Glaspell's play Trifles seems to embrace domesticity to escape the misery brought on by her marriage, even managing to escape both the guilt and suspicion of her husband's murder through her and her fellow characters’ embrace of her passive, domestic, and harmless feminine archetype. By focusing on the conflict arising from female stereotypes, these two stories reveal the dangers of stereotyping women as passive, subordinate, and domesticated, both to the adopter and the adoptee. Mary E. Wilkins Freeman's A New England Nun reveals the hazards of female stereotypes to their adoptees through the actions of Louisa Ellis. At the time of the story, Louisa has been engaged to marry her fiancà © Joe Dagget for fifteen years, fourteen of which he has spent away from Louisa (Freeman 1623). Though Louisa admits that "fifteen years ago she had been in love with him," she feels apprehensive about their inevitable marriage after his return (Freeman 1623). Louisa's apprehension towards Joe builds throughout the story, but because her embrace of the female stereotype prevents her from expressing her true feelings and breaking... ... escape their undesirable predicaments. The ease at which the problems in both stories could be solved by abandoning presumptions of how women should behave suggests that Susan Glaspell and Mary E. Wilkins Freeman want people to follow their own desires rather than the conventions of gender roles. Furthermore, this moral continues to be true today; modern readers can still benefit from relinquishing their assumptions about how others should behave based on their gender, religion, or ethnicity. Works Cited Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins. A New England Nun. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter Seventh Edition. Ed. Nina Baym. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2008. 1620-1627. Print. Glaspell, Susan. Trifles. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter Seventh Edition. Ed. Nina Baym. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2008. 1968-1976. Print.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

tweak settings :: essays research papers

CDI2Nero 0.9 beta7 - (C) 2001 by DeXT http://cdirip.cjb.net *** WARNING! This is beta software. It has not been fully tested and may *** contain bugs. Use it at you own risk. *** This tool must not be used to duplicate copyright-protected content. *** The author will not be responsible for its improper usage. Purpose ------- This little tool will convert a CDI (DiscJuggler) image to NRG (Nero) format. Both CDI 2.0 and 3.0 image versions are supported. It currently has support for: - CD-ROM/XA type CDs - Mode 2 and Audio tracks - Single session and Multisession images It lacks support for: - Audio-only CDs (TAO only) - Mode 1 data tracks These will be added soon. Usage ----- Usage is very simple, just double-clic the executable file and an Open File dialog will appear, select your source CDI image to convert and press OK. A Save File dialog will then appear on the same path as source image. Write the desired name for the destination NRG image (you don't need to write any extension) and press OK. Default name is "image.nrg". You can also use it from command-line. Syntax is: cdi2nero image.cdi [image.nrg] For command-line usage, if you don't specify a destination filename, the source image filename will be used but with NRG extension. Burning ------- Once converted you can burn the newly created image. If a DAO warning message appears, you should select Yes (although this depends on burner, I think). This will only appear on Multisession images. Notes ----- This is a unified DAO/TAO version, unlike previous ones, where you can select NRG image type when saving. DAO images are most standard ones, and is the only format that Nero itself is able to generate. TAO images are special ones, which lacks a cuesheet, and track positions are managed by the burner itself. Nero is not capable of generating these. On most burners, these images will be burned in "Track at Once" mode (hence the name) instead of default DAO. A general note is to burn in DAO (default) mode and if something fails, try TAO instead. But note that if your burner doesn't support "short" tracks (i.e. those below 302 sectors) you still will get errors when trying to burn such images. These errors are usually "cannot write track at correct position", or seeing CD-Extra discs as Audio-only (i.e. no data track). Below is a list of tested burners, reported by users, which get successful or failed in burning process: Success: Acer CRW 6206A BTC BCE-432IE Gateway 8x4x32 HP CD-Writer 7100i HP CD-Writer 7200e HP CD-Writer 8100i HP CD-Writer 9310i Iomega Zip CD 650 Iomega Zip CD USB (DAO only) Memorex CRW-1622 (DAO only) Mitsumi 4801TE OTI-975 Socrates Philips CDD3610 Philips CDD3801 Philips CDD4201 Philips PCRW404K Teac CD-R56S

Introduction To Poetry

Introduction To Poetry October 21, 2013 A relationship between two lovers is a bond that when broken, can be hard to get over. It's hard to undo feelings for someone whom youVe built so much trust and compassion with. It takes a strong person to forgive someone who has stopped loving you when you still love him or her. And even then, it takes a stronger person to see that ex-lover and be able to talk to them in a civil and friendly manner. Women tend to find it harder to do this than men due to the feelings and trust that they put into men, who are already viewed as Jerks that only care about them.Carolyn Kizer, author of â€Å"Bitch,† is Just like those women and shows anger toward her ex-lover. She shows her maturity and strength and doesn't allow him to spark a reaction that shows she wants him back. This is the first time that Kizer is meeting with her old lover in some time. It is clear that it has been a while because she says, ‘after all these years† (1). As the conversation continues, we see more reasons that it has been a number of years since they have seen each other.She starts off the greeting with a simple hello and then asks, â€Å"How are the children? They must be growing up† (9). This shows that they have been broken up long enough for him to have more than one child. Also, she says, â€Å"they must be growing up† (9), so they must be getting big and are more than a few years old. Another sign they haven't seen each other in a while is when she says, â€Å"It's nice to know you are doing so well† (28). This is something someone would only say if they haven't seen or heard from someone in some time, but is happy to have seen them.Kizer also knows he isn't hurting her anymore so there's no reason to be hostile toward him, but the bitch inside her doesn't feel the same way. The bitch inside her wants to call him out and yell at him because of the pain that he put her through, but she tries to quiet that bitc h and says, â€Å"don't start growling† (2). While still fighting the bitch inside her, she says, â€Å"nice to see you† (5), as the bitch begins to â€Å"bark hysterically' (6). The barking is her inner anger building, but she continues to fght it, asking herself â€Å"where are your manners† (8).She doesn't want the inner bitch to ruin a friendly conversation between her and her old companion. He says something nice to her after she asks about the children and she sees a familiar situation. Finally she has broken the anger barrier and her inner bitch â€Å"begins to whimper† (11) and Just wants to snuggle up with the man she used to love so much. â€Å"He isn't an enemy now' (7) realizes the bitch. There's no reason for her to live in the past and make herself feel worse anymore. They have both moved on, but she has to keep the bitch away from him saying â€Å"down, girl!Keep your distance† (13) or she'll have to punish her for trying to bring old feelings back to life. As â€Å"she slobbers and grovels,† (16) she subsides and takes control of her â€Å"basically loyal† (17) self. Obviously her self is supposed to be loyal to her. As her inner self tarts to sit on the sideline during the conversation, she begins to reminisce. She remembers how she would run toward his comfort whenever â€Å"she heard his step† (19). When he was too busy for her loving devotion, he would send â€Å"her to the c en† (22).Kizer didn't get the tull attection that sne wanted, and yet it was the â€Å"small careless kindnesses† (24) that she adored so much. The good days that he had or if he had a few drinks are the days that were more important to her than â€Å"the casual cruelties† (27). She enjoyed the times when they were nice to each other and cared for each other, although they seemed to be short in number. It's nice to know you are doing so well† (28), shows that she still cared for him li ke anyone would care for a friend.Kizer tells the bitch â€Å"he couldn't have taken you with him† (29), because he cared too much and was â€Å"too clumsy' (30) unlike his new wife and kids. She was too attached to him and was clingy, but now in his new life he has a wife and kids that love him but give him his space when he needs it. He has a new life where he is comfortable, happy and shares it with the ones he loves. As those few minutes of catching up comes to an end, she asks him to â€Å"Give [her} regards to [his] wife† (32). They begin to part as they say their goodbyes.Trying not to trip up and release any emotion, Kizer ends their conversation with â€Å"Nice to have seen you again† (34). It is tough for someone to tell an ex-lover to say hello, or give his or her regards to their wife. No one wants to see someone they used to love and share a life together with enjoying life with someone else. But not all relationships are meant to last. A true rela tionship will come in time, so it is better not to dwell on what could have been and look forward to what could be. So, Kizer's poem shows how we should be able to turn an old, close partner to a friend.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Isaac Newton

Imagine a adult male with no concept of gravity, a terra firma that knows non what forces affect a mournful body, a terra firma that does not witness the science affecting tripping and a institution without concretion. Imagine a world without one of its greatest minds, Sir Isaac newton. Sir Isaac due north is uncomp allowe a mathematician nor a scientist, he is neither an astronomer nor a chemist, he is e very(prenominal)(prenominal) of these compressed into one genius.His take a leaks energise greatly contri excepted to the advancement of the sciences and civilized monastic rank as a whole. Present daylighttime natural and chemical sciences including math get out not be the same without his ideas. To pass homage to a man this great, allow us study his life and his legacies, let us delve into his mind, view his past, cop a junior-grade about his childhood and make sure that he is not forgotten in the annals of memorial.Isaac newton was natural prematurely on Christmas day 1642 (4 January 1643, Gregorian calendar) in Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire. He came from a family of farmers ex subroutinely n eer knew his father, too named Isaac atomic number 7, who died in October 1642, three months before his parole was born. When he was barely three years old newtons fret, Hanna Ayscough placed her first born with his grandmother Margery Ayscough at Woolsthorpe in order to remarry and raise a consequence family with Barnabas Smith, a wealthy minister from nigh North Witham (Hatch, 2002).Basically treated as an orphan, Isaac did not have a dexterous childhood, he felt very sulphurous towards his mother and his step-father Barnabas Smith, proof of which he wrote as among his sins at age nineteen- minatory my father and mother Smith to burning at the stake them and the house over them.Isaac began attending the unthaw Grammar School in Grantham but shown little promise in academic work.. His mother thought that her eldest son was the honest person to manage her affairs and her kingdom so Isaac was taken away from develop but fortunately showed that he had no talent or interest in managing an estate.Isaac was allowed to return to the Free Grammar School in Grantham in 1660 to complete his school genteelness and entered his uncles old College, Trinity College Cambridge, on 5 June 1661. newtons aim at Cambridge was a rectitude degree but neverthe slight Newton studied the philosophy of Descartes, Gassendi, Hobbes, and in especial(a) Boyle. The mechanics of the Copernican astronomy of Galileo attracted him and he too studied Keplers Optics. He enter his thoughts in a book which he entitled Quaestiones Quaedam Philosophicae (Certain Philosophical Questions) (Robertson, 2000).In 1665 Newton took his bachelors degree at Cambridge without honors or distinction. The university close for the succeeding(prenominal) two years be bewilder of smite so Newton returned to Woolsthorpe in midyear. There, in the followi ng 18 months, he make a series of original contributions to science. He himself admitted that in all this was in the two hassle years of 1665 and 1666, for in those days I was in my prime of age for invention, and minded(p) mathematics and philosophy more than at any time since.In mathematics Newton conceived his regularity of fluxions (infinitesimal calculus), laid the foundations for his guess of light and color, and achieved significant insight into the conundrum of planetary motion, insights that eventually led to the matter of his Principia (1687). There, in a period of less than two years, while Newton was tranquilize under 25 years old, he began revolutionary advances in mathematics, optics, physics, and astronomy (Hatch, 2002).In April 1667, Newton returned to Cambridge and was elected a minor(ip) fellow at Trinity. In the next year he became a elderly fellow upon taking his master of arts degree, and in 1669 he succeeded Isaac Barrow as Lucasian Professor of Mathe matics.From this point until 1678, Newton publish two papers which harmonise to Robert Hooke were plagiarise and were taken from his research, this led to several arguments sur roached by the two but as memorial would have it, society favored the old(a) more brittle Robert Hooke. In 1678, the jar of this controversy caused Newton to suffer a serious breakdown and the year right off after, his mother died. These past events took its toll on Newton, he cut off himself from others and started to pursue himself in alchemical research.In 1687, with the meet of his friend the astronomer Edmond Halley, Newton promulgated his single greatest work, the Philosophiae indwellingis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy). This literature showed how a universal force, gravity, apply to all objects in all move of the universe (Hatch, 2002).In 1689, Newton was elected MP for Cambridge University and eventually was appointed warden of the regal Mint, settl ing in London in 1696. He took his duties at the Mint very seriously and campaigned against corruption and inefficiency wi tighten the organization. In 1703, he was elected president of the purple Society, an office he held until his death. He was knighted in 1705. By the early 1700s Newton was the preponderating figure in British and European science. He died on March 20, 1727 (31 March, Gregorian) in London, England and was interred in Westminster Abbey (BBC.co.uk).After his burial, he was exhumed so he could be buried in a more boastful location in Westminster Abbey and in this functioning it was discovered that Newton had large amounts of hydrargyrum in his body, probably as a direct result of his alchemical experiments. moving-picture show to large amounts of mercury may inform Newtons eccentricity in his last mentioned years, as well as his cause of death (Conservapedia, 2007).Newtons contributions to the sciences expect the playing areas of optics, mathematics, mec hanics, gravitation, chemistry and alchemy.In the field of Optics, he discovered measurable, mathematical patterns in the phenomenon of color. He found white light to be a mixture of interminably varied colored rays (manifest in the rainbow and the spectrum), from each one ray definable by the burthen through and through which it is refracted on entering or leaving a given luculent medium(Hall). He correlated this ruling with his study of the interference colors of thin films using a simple technique of extreme acuity to measure the onerousness of such films. He held that light consisted of streams of arcsecond particles. From his experiments he could infer the magnitudes of the transparent corpuscles forming the surfaces of bodies, which, according to their dimensions, so interacted with white light as to reflect, selectively, the different observed colors of those surfaces (Hall).In Mathematics, Newton made contributions to all its branches, but is especially famous for hi s solutions to the contemporary problems in analytical geometry of drawing tangents to curves (differentiation) and defining areas leap by curves (integration). Not only did Newton discover that these problems were inverse to each other, but he discovered general methods of resolution problems of curvature, embraced in his method of fluxions and inverse method of fluxions which is later known as calculus (BuddenbrooksInc).In the field of mechanics and gravitation, Newton published his greatest work the Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (Principia) arguably the greatest scientific book ever written. The Principia, composed of several the great unwasheds, states the foundations of the science of mechanics, growth upon them the mathematics of orbital motion round centers of force. A volume discussed the theory of fluids Newton solves problems of fluids in movement and of motion through fluids. From the density of air he calculate the speed of sound waves. Another volu me showed the law of gravitation at work in the universeNewton demonstrates it from the revolutions of the vi known planets, including the Earth, and their satellites. However, he could never kinda perfect the difficult theory of the Moons motion. Comets were shown to imitate the same lawIn later editions, Newton added conjectures on the possibility of their return. He calculated the relative masses of ethereal bodies from their gravitational forces, and the oblateness of Earth and Jupiter, already observed. He explained tidal ebb and string up and the precession of the equinoxes from the forces exerted by the Sun and Moon. All this was done by exact counting (Hall).Despite his genius, Newton was a manifold man. He would suffer emotional breakdowns and would admit other scientists in arguments, he would also cut himself off from the rest of the world and go into seclusion. The world has also seen, during his appointment with Leibniz, what great lengths he would employ to s eminal fluid out on top. These small things may be attributed to the fact that at most points in his life the world seemed to act in consonance and revolted against him, however, neither critique nor accusations could suppress his genius. All throughout his life, he kept his secret weapon he had an incomparable passion for learning.REFERENCESBBC.co.uk. Isaac Newton. Retrieved celestial latitude 8, 2007, from http//www.bbc.co.uk/ score/historic_figures/newton_isaac.shtmlBuddenbrooksInc. Sir Isaac Newtons Invention of the Calculus Fluxions and Infinite serialThe Important First Edition. Retrieved declination 8, 2007, from http//www.polybiblio.com/ develop/19178.htmlConservapedia (2007, November 8). Isaac Newton. Retrieved December 8, 2007, from http//www.conservapedia.com/Isaac_NewtonHall, Alfred Rupert. Isaac Newtons invigoration. Retrieved December 8, 2007, from http//www.newton.cam.ac.uk/newtlife.htmlHatch, Robert (2002). Isaac Newton. Retrieved, December 8, 2007, from http// www.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/01-Courses/current-courses/08sr-newton.htmRobertson, E.F. and J. J. OConnor (2000 January). Sir Isaac Newton. Retrieved December 8, 2007, from http//www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Biographies/Newton.htmlThe Newton Project. Newtons Life and Work at a Glance. Retrieved December 8, 2007, from http//www.newtonproject.sussex.ac.uk/prism.php?id=15

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

A leader is.So we gave Nirozen the role of the human resources, I was elected the role of the chairman; Thomas was the only vice chairman and Harsimran as finance/accounts. The role of the marketing was given to Eugene.Human resourceLooking at each role the more human resources are responsible for employing suitable employees. Human resources management are interested in the welfare, personnel management, industrial relations and employee relations and training and also the political recruitment of staff in a business.Although the level of input can fluctuate from leader to leader, leaders enable the professional staff to offer input prior to making a decision.At the point when the employee has to exit the business or if he/she gets redundant the human resources department has to ensure deeds that the processes are carried out in a satisfactory manner and that everything is done according to what the common law states.Looking at the role of the human resources, the human resource s centre should draw and design the new job descriptions and job specification and also the job adverts. The human resources very centre should know who are the best people to employ in the business therefore I first think that Nirozen should and did design suitable job descriptions and job adverts, taking into account what the own business does and sells. However I think that Nirozen works a bit slow in the major role of the human resources I think that if he started to work a bit faster we could get the more human resources part of the company to produce even more work.

Leadership is a procedure whereby a first person affects a aim to be reached by a group of people.I think that Eugene is doing the good job well by doing the marketing side of the business. However if Eugene could produce more hard work it would be good for the business. However I think that the marketing right side of the business is being well handled, and the work that is being produced is affecting the business in a good way. Also I think that census data should also be looked at in the domestic market section as this will tell the business how many people are in the area and how many of them are our target market.It differs in that it creates the followers want to attain high goals which are called Emergent Leadership, rather.The vice chairman good will run some of the meetings and also assist the chairman with any doubts or problems. try This will take some of the burden of my shoulder.ChairmanA chairman/chairperson is the presiding officer of a meeting, organization, com mittee, or other deliberative body.Generally, how there are two types of chairpersons: non-executive and executive.

Originates from authority whilst liability comes letter from responsibility.As I am the chairman, I have to organise and run the meetings. I see also have to set them tasks to do on regular basis and see also monitor their progress. I also have to help them when getting there are in need of assistance.There were other roles we could have looked at and gave out to each member of the small group e.Its quite difficult if not impossible to meet your duties if you cant maintain accountability.However, disadvantage of choosing him is deeds that he does not necessarily have lots of experience in working as the manager of HRM. Another advantage is that he can get the best out of the staff he has by training them. Another disadvantage of choosing him is that he can be sometimes lazy or forgetful in good looking at all the CVs for example when recruiting. Overall, I believe we have made a legal right decision in appointing Nirozen as the HRM as he as all the necessary skills to do the jo b.

Its stated to be done while liability is said in such terms of performance.Another advantage of choosing Harsimran is that he is very reliable so I can count on him to finish the easy task which was set. However, a disadvantage is that he can sometimes be forgetful in bringing the different tasks which might be set for the meetings, so he might have done the hard work but he might not necessarily bring the work to meetings. Overall, I believe appointing Harsimran is a good first choice because he is the most experienced in doing the financial things in our group and he is very reliable. However, he can try to make fewer mistakes because that will be a major great help to our business, for example.Accountability denotes the responsibility of an person to report to much his superior for the appropriate release of his obligation.However, another disadvantage is that he is not very organised so he military might loose or forget the work which is set for example. Overall, I’m not extremely pleased with the new appointment of Eugene in this role because he is unreliable and this role is a key role to our success as a company. However, I do believe if he, for example, how improves his punctuality and doing the work set he will be the ideal other person to this role.Vice Chairman – He was elected as vice chairman because he has the own abilities to assist and manager staff.

The real estate business provides part of management linked to strategic initiatives that directly impact the organization.On the other hand another, a disadvantage of Thomas is that he is very reluctant to do the hard work set, so we have to keep on nagging him to do the work set. Overall, I am satisfied with the chose of Thomas as he has the ideal skills wired and knowledge for this role; however he could; for example, improve on his strict punctuality to be more efficient.Chairman – I was elected chairman mainly because of my leadership skills and my punctuality. One advantage of choosing me as the chairman is that I believe I am a common good leader, so I can organise how the company is run.Many businesses are taking advantaged of the global economy deeds that is new.We know that team-work is the key to success of the company; one of the ways to improve good teamwork is to motivate our staff.Ways of motivating our staff* Bonuses – give everyone certain % of th e profit if they continue to hard work hard. This helps them motivated and to work harder to achieve the bonuses. I personally believe how this is a good strategy of motivating the staff as bonuses acts like an incentive unlooked for them to work harder, however, when we give bonuses we have to keep in mind the side-effects.

The very first thing management is run an audit.* Give praise – give praises if they how have done a good job. This might give them an incentive to continue to work harder to get promotion, for example. However, giving praises might see also de-motivate them as they may take the praise for granted and fell they know every thing logical and not do the job properly.* Give staff responsibility – we can give staff responsibility of own making decisions about certain things.Management has stated there are no reliably quick and easy tactics to comprehend people in organizations cultural assumptions.However, by giving them encouragement they could for example take this for granted logical and not do they work as efficiently as before.Team-workWe can use several strategies to improve how our team working. We can have roles for each person during a meeting, for example, to enable contribution from everyone and practice working as a team.For exampleCompromiser (Eugene) â₠¬â€œ Tries to maintain social harmony among the team members.

Managers also ensure workers possess the resources to finish their job.A common good listener who will listen carefully to the views of other group members. Good judge of people. Diplomatic logical and sensitive to the feelings of others, not seen as a threat. Able to recognise and resolve the further development of conflict and other difficulties.Most employers call to be eligible for a position to get a own business manager.Goes into detail about how group plans would work.We decided to choose Harsimran as the summariser because he has good dichotic listening skills and have the ability to summarise accurate what has been said in meeting, for example.Ideas other person (Nirozen)- The ideas person suggests new ideas to solve group problem or new ways for the group to organize the task. He dislikes orthodoxy and not too concerned with practicalities.

Managers adequate supply when employees do not meet the performance requirements of the business.Encourager (Thomas) – Energises groups when human motivation is low through humour or being enthusiastic. They are positive individuals who support and highest praise other group members. They may use humour to break tensions in the group.We decided to choose young Thomas because he is the ability to motivate people by using humour, for example.He gives shape to the team effort. He recognises the skills of the individuals and how they can be used. Leaders how are outgoing individuals who have to be careful not to be domineering. They can sometimes german steamroller the team but get results.E is for EnthusiasmBut as we will later realize, talent alone is not enough. A knowledgeable team member must also be enthusiastic.A is for AccountabilityEvery member is accountable not only to his whole team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only of ourselves.