Sunday, March 17, 2019
Homers Odyssey Essay -- Homer Odyssey Odysseus Temptation
Homers OdysseyOn a ten-year voyage across snappy and choppy seas with nonhing but the bitter wind at geniuss back, physical strength is a necessity. The chances of successfully trekking ingleside with delicate limbs are not great. In Homers The Odyssey, Odysseus is the epitome of power. His stringy physique undoubtedly grants him the strength to swim, climb, run and thus far kill his charge back to his wife. But Odysseus cannot drive out shoes on physical enduringness alone, as human racey of the obstacles he faces are mental. Perhaps the greatest of these obstacles is temptation. The battle-weary mans odyssey is brimming with temptations of the mind, body and soul that he must not only grow out of, but conquer, in order to return home and stake his glory.The first blatant example of temptation in Odysseus journey happens on the island of the Lotus-eaters. The delicious but devious fruit of the lotus, he and his men discover, has the power to muddle ones memory so that he forgets about home. While some of the men succumb to the fruit, Odysseus demonstrates extraordinary self-control. This is in stark contrast to the way he handles himself in different tempting situations along the voyage. In this scene, though, Odysseus does not forget his longing for home and that is why his reaction to this temptation is interesting. It immediately shows us that he does be in possession of self-control and has a goal he is eager to reach. It suggests that the willpower he lacks later in the poem is, in fact, always inside of him. It is not something he needs to learn, but something he needs to improve upon and aim a permanent part of his identity instead of a momentary one. This scene proves that Odysseus has the power to be confronted by something alluring and not be taken in by it. Nonp... ...e voyage, the cunning fighter is not sharp at the end of the poem. Disguised as an old beggar, he could use up revealed his true identity much earlier than he does. Instead, he waits for the ripe(p) moment to strike. The suitors test his patience and perhaps his temper seethes within, but he does not grade his fury known until the perfect moment. When the time comes to strike, he combines the cunning he has had all along with a newfound mother wit of control.The belief that what does not kill someone can only make them stronger is especially true in Odysseus case. His journey is peppered with temptations that collectively build up his will. Some of them temporarily distract him, while others are meant to seal his doom. And even though he falls down, makes mistakes, and tests the limits along the way, his courage and his yearning for home lead to his ultimate enlightenment.
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