
Monday, March 18, 2019

Stress :: essays research papers

This report is on breed, what baffles it, how and why, and how it can be cured. It will secernateyou all about stress, why its important for people tounderstand, and what it can do to you and other people. filter affects e reallyone and everything, thats why itsimportant that we all be correctly educated on it. First weneed to understand what stress is. Stress is basically thebodys nonspecific response to any demand. Another wayof describing stress is any nervousness or anxiety. Almostall people concern the word stress to discomfort or pressure.What they argon actually idea of is distress, which is oftenreferred to as stress. thither are many things that causestress. In my opinion, this is the most important part of thiswhole report because knowing the cause for stress canhelp you avoid stressful situations. Just about any problemusing thought can cause stress. ace of the most stressful ofall things, especially for teenagers, are social events.Popularity, friends, relationsh ips, and looks are morestressful things to teenagers than parents. However, adultstend to face such stressors as come across deadlines, fear offailure, anger, and frustration at the workplace. Everybodyis effected by stress when it comes to things akin wars,pollution, poverty, overcrowding, and crime. It is importantto learn how to live with these situations, because it isnearly impossible to get through with(predicate) life without encounteringthem. Most people know that stress could be bad, but howbad? Physicians have proven that stress-related disorders,diseases brought on or worsened by psychological stress,are more likely to happen to people with very busy lives.The sad results of too much stress can be depression, druguse, crime, dropping out of school, accidents, and evensuicide. These psychosomatic disorders greennessly positthe autonomic nervous system, which controls the bodysinternal organs. Some kinds of headache and back andfacial pain, asthma, stomach ulcers, hig h blood pressure,and premenstrual stress are examples of stress-relateddisorders. (Funk & Wagnalls.) respiratory disorders alsocan be affected by stress. Most common of these is asthmawhich may be caused by wound up upsets. (Funk &Wagnalls.) In addition, emotional stress can cause oraggravate many bark disorders, from those that produceitching, tickling, and pain to those that cause rashes andpimples. Treatment of stress-related disorders is sometimeslimited to relieving the finicky physical symptominvolved for example, hypertension may be controlled withdrugs. (Funk & Wagnalls.) mental treatments areattempts to help the person to relieve the source of stressor to learn to deal with it. Combinations of physical andpsychological treatments are often recommended. Thereare many type of toys, that help deal with stress also,

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